Animals Sounds For Kids

Why animals make sound?

Animals make sound to warn others to stay out of its territory and also to attract a friend.

Sound production, in animals, the initiation of sound as a means of communication.

Sounds are termed vocal when produced in the respiratory system and mechanical when produced by mutual contact of body parts or by contact with some element in the surrounding.

Many animals possess special structures for producing mechanical sounds. Crickets and grasshoppers produce sound by rubbing together rasp like structures on their wings


Different types of animal sounds:

Here are few examples of sounds produced by the animals around us:

Cats — meow.

Dogs — woof.

Horses — neigh.

Goats and sheep — baa.

Cows — moo.

Donkeys — hee-haw.

Chickens — cluck.

Crows are highly intelligent birds that have a complex language system. They use these different calls to identify themselves and communicate with other birds. They make at least twenty-five different sounds which include growling, squawking, squealing, cooing, and rattling. They also have an emergency call to have other crows come quickly to help.

Some monkeys make different calls to indicate different predators nearby.

Gorillas hum when dinner is ready and to show they’re happy.

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